Downloading company data

in the Indecs system


Case study

Many of Indecs’ early users were also dealing with corporate debtors. We saw that they subscribed to some kind of “bankruptcy lists” from different service providers, which they regularly compared with their own list of debtors, using all kinds of Excel records.

We thought it could be done better.

Our colleagues at Késmárki Szoftverfejlesztő Kft. have a lot of experience in the world of business information. In the past, several of our employees have actively developed company registration systems. We had a particularly good relationship with Céginformáció.hu Kft, so it was natural to develop the new module of the Indecs system with Céginformáció.hu’s database as its source.

The Company Data downloader was soon ready, which completely replaced the bankruptcy lists and kept the data of companies up to date.


Company data downloader

For the Company Data Downloader to work, the first 8 digits of the tax number of the debtor companies stored in the Indecs database must be at least present. If this is the case, the module can be activated, which can help in many areas.

The tax number is the link between Indecs’ own business register and the public business information database.

Negative data, company events

Perhaps the most important feature is the constant monitoring of “negative” data: bankruptcy, liquidation, final settlement, compulsory liquidation: none of these can escape our attention. Similarly, we are also informed about enforcement proceedings and tax number suspensions.

The following events (also) appear as events that give us reason to suspect that the owner of the company is trying to escape our legitimate claim:

  • change of registered office
  • change of ownership
  • change of bank account number

If any of the above events occur, an alert will be sent within 24 hours to all administrators who have the company listed as a debtor in one of their cases.

Registration data always up to date

The Company Data Downloader is able to keep the names, registered office addresses, owners, bank account numbers of companies always in sync with the public company register through the Céginformáció.hu database. This way, we can be sure that our mail is sent to the current registered office address, and not to one that may have disappeared a few days earlier.

And if we take legal action, we can do so with the correct, current, accurate information.

Contact network

One area still to be explored is the network of connections. Indecs is able to use company registers to find the links between two or more seemingly unrelated companies or individuals. The module allows you to set the “depth” at which to search for relationships, since relationships that are too distant are usually of no interest.

Connected individuals and companies detected in this way can be treated as a single cohesive risk group, and claims can be pursued much more effectively once you know “who is with whom”.