


The Functions and Processes of Indecs

During the development of Indecs, we have tried to organise the many functions into processes from the very beginning, a good example being the management of payment requests.

Our clients have long expressed a desire to actively participate in shaping these processes and formulating rules themselves. In response, we have launched a major development in 2023 to enable this.

From now on, our customers will be able to participate in shaping the processes, by setting their own rules.


Over the course of time, many different process control solutions have emerged, each with a different approach to this problem. The search for a way forward came to a relative standstill in 2011 with the birth of the industry standard, BPMN2. This is the format, the methodology that business users and IT people speak as a common language, and which allows business processes to be directly executed by IT systems.


The design tool and the workflow engine

Nowadays, there are a number of BPMN2-compliant graphical process design applications and workflow engines that can execute processes described in the BPMN2 format. Our team chose Camunda Modeler and Camunda Workflow Engine from a wide range of options, as they have proven to be well established, stable solutions.


What does a business process consist of?

Simplified, a business process consists of:

  • Tasks performed by machines
  • Tasks displayed to users
  • Data quality checks
  • Variables from the business system
  • Branches and decisions based on these variables

In addition to these basic elements, a number of innovative ideas and solutions support business analysts working in process modelling. Now the question is, how does it all work in practice?




The integration of Indecs and Camunda

When running processes, we would expect the workflow engine to run programs and call services directly. However, our experience has shown that this is an overly tight integration that is difficult to follow and difficult to debug. Therefore, our experts decided to use the “external task model”. In this model, the workflow engine does not directly execute Indecs functions, but initiates them through a task list, which can be either machine or human-led operations.

Indecs provides the data required for the processes, such as the amount of debt, the age of the debtor, the date of the last successful call, or the existence of a property collateral. These variables can be created at runtime based on SQL expressions, so there are no restrictions on the complexity of the parameters.



Continuous Quality Control

In the case where the administrator has to decide where to proceed with the process, Indecs checks beforehand that all the necessary data for the chosen route exists and is correct. In the absence of these, it will not allow the next step to be taken. These conditions can also be modified and extended at runtime. As a result of these checks, process management also continuously improves data quality.

Workflow Monitoring

Although the Camunda Engine provides a useful feature, Cockpit, which allows you to monitor running processes, our development, Indecs Workflow Monitor, takes this concept significantly further. While the Cockpit provides a general insight into the current state of processes, the Indecs Workflow Monitor provides detailed, transparent and real-time information about each task basket, each administrator or workload of each module. This solution can be particularly valuable when an accurate and immediate overview of workflow dynamics is required.

Automate the first business process step by step:

  • Automate the first business process step by step:
  • Selecting the process
  • Complete process planning with our experts using Camunda Modeler
  • Custom setting of user and machine task types
  • Configuring variables and quality checks
  • Testing the process definition
  • Implementing the process
    Our business analysts understand both the IT and business aspects of corporate process management and will make recommendations for precise, specific implementations to ensure optimal operation.

What Do We Gain From This?

  • The system ensures continuous, efficient managerial supervision of processes, which previously imposed a significant workload on managers.
  • Camunda Engine monitors the next tasks in real time and assigns them immediately.
  • No “sleeping” process, forgotten, or outdated cases: reduces the likelihood of errors.
  • Quality control checks can be built into any node of the process: improving the quality of data assets.
  • Processes can be modified by the client as needed due to changing business environments.
  • New process models can be developed as unforeseen needs arise.

Integration with External Systems

The Camunda Engine is able to activate not only the functionalities of the Indecs system, but also those of other business software, with appropriate JDBC or REST API interfaces. This allows customers to synchronise and monitor their business processes more efficiently. Our consultants and developers are ready to design and implement these integrations.