We have developed this website to display properties and their related information and data in the Indecs system. It can be widely used by the property divisions within a company group when the aim is, for example, to provide a quick overview of the tasks at hand.
Some of the key features:
- Due date for rentals
- Overview of communications, for example with property managers
- Scheduled maintenance alerts
- Structured display of other tasks that may occur
But it can also be very useful for personal visitors. The design of the data sheets used for personal expiry can be individually parameterised, and the data and photos thus captured are immediately displayed in the Indecs desktop application. A popular feature is the approval interface, where, for example, the instalment agreement recorded by the personal caller can be immediately submitted for approval to the predefined Indecs user, who will be notified of the task in the desktop application interface. The binding of specific forms or properties to an expiring colleague is done according to a strict set of rules, which can be accessed with the appropriate authorisation in the desktop Indecs interface.
Some of the key features:
- Support for enquirers, support for form filling
- Approval system, for example for instalment payments
- Instant data display, for example for captured photos
Well separated groups of properties, linked to an on-site colleague