The Client Portal is one of Indecs’ useful supplementary web portals, providing a solution for both cheap and secure communication with debtors, as well as ensuring data transparency and self-determination required by the GDPR. Of course, using the strictest encryption protocols.
Debtors and creditors can securely communicate via the Client Portal’s notification interface at a fraction of the cost of postal mail.
Debtors can review the data stored about them, voluntarily provide additional contact details and request the deletion of their data stored (not for legal reasons) in the system . They can also interactively view their own instalment payment options or even request an instalment agreement under pre-defined conditions in the system.
Another valuable feature of the Client Portal is that it allows you to settle your debt or current instalment online by credit card.
All of the activities launched by debtors in the Client Portal will appear as tasks in the Indecs interface of the operator assigned to the debtor.